
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Me Made May 2015

I love Me Made May, the brainchild of the very lovely Zoe.  This will be my third year taking part and I also started my blog during May last year so I will be celebrating my one year blogiversary mid-way through!  Last year I pledged to wear one me made item for six days a week during May which I felt was a challenge before hand but actually I managed the whole month fine and although there were repeats I didn't feel like I was wearing the same thing every day for a month.

Me Made May 2014

In the year since last May I have barely sewed anything for my daughter and consequently my wardrobe is looking much fuller!  So I have been putting a lot of thought into my pledge for this year.  Zoe, in her pointers has said "IT IS A CHALLENGE and not meant to be easy or what you do usually" so I do need to up the ante from last year but at the same time I think May might be a challenging month for me already this year so I don't want to make it impossible for myself.

I currently wear me made most days, I haven't bought any new clothes for myself (with the exception of underwear, tights and socks) for well over a year, probably since the end of 2013 but I do have clothes that were bought before this and a couple of second hand cardigans.

My biggest guilt when it comes to sewing is my stash.  I stress buy fabric.  The stressier life gets the more fabric I accumulate, and the last year or so hasn't been completely stress free soooooo I have an embarrassingly large amount of fabric.  Which actually makes my conscience uncomfortable as I would like to be living more sustainably and using fabrics from better sources.  

So as I do not want to sell my fabric I would like to use this month to seriously sort through my guilty habit, sort through mine and my daughter's wardrobes and try and match gaps with fabric and make a sort of plan moving forwards.  Not too much of a plan because that can cause it's own stresses and for me and most of us sewing is my hobby, my therapy, my stress reliever and I don't want anything to come in the way of that!

I would also like to spend some time in May making more underwear for myself and try and only wear me made knickers and the same for my daughter.  We already have a week's worth each but I think ideally we need two weeks worth, or I need to do laundry more often!

 'I, Jenna of Just Sew Jenna, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear clothes (including knickers but not bras or tights) made by or refashioned by me each day for the duration of May 2015.  I also pledge to try and match up gaps in my and my daughter's wardrobe with fabric and patterns already in my possession.'

I am so looking forward to the beginning of May and seeing everyone's lovely clothes everyday on Flickr and Instragram, I've got a couple of photographers primed and ready to go!  The only thing left to do is make sure I've got some clean clothes to wear!


  1. It's all very exciting, can't wait to see how you get on! I tend to stress buy too, my Achilles heal is browsing liberty fabric to distract me from whatever I'm stressing about!

    1. I've been cutting down since January but I went through a stage of bulk buying fabric I really, really like in case I never see it again. Consequently I now have about 15m striped jersey in my stash (just in case all the shops run out!) and 10m of chambray. I know they are things I will use but I need to stop buying more!

  2. I was just thinking about whether to sign up when I spied your post! Looking forward to sewing out outfits. I tend to creep off to the charity shops for stress buying ! X

    1. I do a bit of that too, but luckily I have to be in the right mood to buy from charity shops. I do tend to stock up on books my daughter might like when she's older but I don't think that's a bad thing! Just need a bigger house with more bookcases!
